Thursday, August 4, 2011

03/07/11: The Aftermath

We all gradually woke up the next morning and sat in the furniture we had left out in Ann's yard around the remains of last night's bonfire. Firewood, cinderblocks, trash, and bottles littered Ann's yard, her kitchen was a pandemonium of leftover food and dirty dishes, and somehow Amendoim (her dog) had managed to get a small tube of of superglue adhered to his leg: in short it had been a great party.
Scooter reminded AJ, one of the PCV's, that he had yet to make his promised dish: fried pies. So, using some left over pie crust, he made one of the most incredible things I have ever eaten. They were like chocolate empanada's, deep fried and coated in powdered sugar, and simply exuding heavenly deliciousness.
Everyone took off back to their sites and we headed back to the mission, but came back to Ann's that very evening to meet up with her, Erin, and Donna and Luis (two more PCV's), for dinner. Using the shrimp Scooter had gotten the other day and a can of blueberries from one of our mom's care packages, we made shrimp green curry and blueberry pie - it, along with the fried pies, was almost more than my tastebuds could handle all in one day. To complete our patriotic celebration in true American fashion, we watched a couple of TV shows while we ate which was nice since we were all completely wiped from the weekend.

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